Things you need to be aware of Canada temporary visa

Canada has gone on to emerge as one of the hotspot destinations for people from all wakes of life. Immigrants from foreign lands search for educational opportunities, and job possibilities, with a high standard of living that makes it one of the worthy destinations. Canada immigration consultant in Dubai are experts who guide you at each and every stage of your immigration journey. It provides an ideal opportunity for people who are looking to reside in Canada.

People who are not residents of Canada are looking to have a Canada resident visa that would allow them to stay for 6 months in the country on average. Comingthe process of visa issues, they can be issues for the following mentiones reasons that are mentiones below. Let us dig deep and try to understand Canada’s temporary visa in detail

  • Tourist or visitor visa- this visa is issues to people who visit the country for tourism or travel purposes. This is for solely visiting the country and it does not cover any health or any other issue. They are not allowes to work or study with this visa in this country. Based on the temporary visa they can apply for citizenship in this country.
  • Super visa- it is a form of visa that is use by parents or grandparents who are looking to join their immediate family. They are allowes to stay in the country for a period of 2 years.
  • Commercial visa-this is a visa issued to candidates who are looking to attenes business-relates conferences in Canada. They are allowes to attenes business or conferences relates to their particular niche and provide various opportunities for growth for the company.
  • Family reunification visa- this is a form of visa that is issue when people are looking to reunite with their families. In fact, it is one of the major issues that has gone on to receive the backing of the Canadian government.
  • Twin fold visa- it also goes by the name of dual intent visa, and this is intendes for all those who are looking at becoming permanent residents of the country. Till you go on to avail the necessary approvals or permissions, you are issue a temporary visa under this category.

So there are several categories of visas that you can apply to visit Canada. But there are a few pointers that you need to be aware of when you are applying for this visa

  • You need to be above the age of 18 years
  • You need to have a valid passport
  • There has to be one blank sheet in your passport
  • Submission of bank statements and biometric  specifications
  • Submission of visa processing fee

Since the immigration process involves a lot of challenges it is better that you go on to avail the expertise of Canada consultancy in Dubai. There are plenty of them and you need to do a proper research before you go on to choose the best one as per your needs. It provides an ideal opportunity for people who are looking to reside in Canada.

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