Lifeguard swimming

10 Advantages of Lifeguard Swimming that Cannot Be Obtained from Other Sports

Many children and adults like to swim. In fact, lifeguarding training swimming is the most chosen recreation area to spend weekends with family. More than that, it turns out that there are many benefits of swimming that make it superior to other types of sports. Anything?

The benefits of lifeguard swimming compared to other types of sports

Basil Strasburg, a physical therapist from Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy , revealed that the benefits of swimming are unquestionable.

The benefits of swimming can even be said to be superior to other sports because it can provide the following benefits.

Anyone can do it

Lifeguard Swimming is a universal sport, aka it can be done by everyone, both children and adults.

Interestingly, even people with special needs can do it.

Robert A. Robergs, an exercise physiologist at The University of New Mexico, said that swimming also has benefits for people who experience arthritis , muscle and bone disorders, and weight problems.

Good for people with musculoskeletal disorders

Swimming also has benefits for people with musculoskeletal disorders who must limit physical activity.

The buoyancy of water during swimming will reduce the burden on body weight by 25–50 percent. So, even if you have problems with your muscles and bones, you don’t need to worry about pain.

The buoyancy of water can help improve your fitness without being as painful as running or CrossFit workouts .

Exercising all the muscles of the body

Are you looking for a type of exercise that can move the whole body, but can be done in a simple and fun way?

Swimming can be the right choice, because this sport involves the muscles from top to bottom. During swimming , your hands and feet will automatically go against the currents of the water so they can move forward.

Meanwhile, the muscles of the hips, back and abdomen are responsible for stabilizing the head, trunk and spine.

Strengthens the heart and lungs

Even though the movements don’t look as intense as running or aerobics , swimming actually has the same benefits as cardio.

This exercise is able to expedite the flow of blood and oxygen so it is good for the heart and lungs.

This has been proven by research published in the journal Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia in 2016. Researchers found that swimmers tend to have stronger lungs than other athletes.

Burns a lot of calories

Swimming is one of the most powerful calorie-burning sports so it is perfect for losing weight.

As an illustration, a person weighing 80 kg who swims at a low to moderate tempo for one hour can burn about 423 kcal.

When compared with cardio exercise , for example, people with the same body weight will only burn 314 kcal after walking briskly for one hour.

Less risk of injury

Compared to other types of low impact sports , swimming has the least risk of injury. Again this has to do with the buoyancy of water which helps reduce body weight.

In running, for example, the joints of the legs are at risk of injury because your body weight is fully supported by your feet.

Meanwhile, when swimming, the joints are actually protected from pressure because the water push is not a hard impact.

However, it is different with professional athletes. They are actually at risk for shoulder and knee injuries due to repetitive movements of the hands and feet.

To be safer, always follow the instructions from the trainer so that the risk of sports injuries can be avoided.

Suitable for people with asthma

Exercises that train breathing such as swimming have many benefits for people with asthma.

By swimming, people with asthma can increase lung capacity and practice controlling their breathing.

Even so, several studies have mentioned that chlorine in swimming pools may trigger asthma.

Therefore, you should not linger when swimming in a pool containing chlorine.

Good for people with multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) occurs when the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves.

To prevent a relapse, people with MS should avoid sports that cause overheating, overexertion, and muscle spasms.

Swimming is a sport that has many benefits for people with MS. The reason is, water will reduce the burden on the body and provide a gentle push so that the muscles do not work too hard.

Make sleep better

Aerobic exercise such as swimming not only makes the body fitter, but also helps you sleep better.

This was proven in an old study involving adults with insomnia in 2010.

The study showed that the participants’ sleep quality improved after routine aerobic exercise. Not only that, their overall quality of life has also improved.

Helps control stress

The benefits of swimming are not limited to physical fitness, but also mental. Swimming has at least been shown to elevate mood , help reduce stress, and lower the risk of depression.

This one water sport is also able to slow down dementia and decreased thinking function.

For people with depression and anxiety disorders, swimming regularly can also reduce symptoms and make the mind calmer.

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If you are looking for a sport that is refreshing, fun and has lots of health benefits, try swimming.

Swimming can provide a myriad of goodness for the soul and body, both for children, adults, and the elderly.

Once you are able to do a variety of swimming strokes, try swimming for 20–40 minutes at a comfortable tempo.

Don’t forget, rest every few minutes and meet your water needs when doing this exercise.

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